Friday, November 5, 2010

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November...

...the gunpowder treason and plot.  I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot! 

Happy Guy Fawkes Day, folks!  This may not be especially exciting in the US, but here in England, people get very excited about today.  There are three days worth of fireworks going on (we're going to the university tomorrow to see some), which supports my theory that this is like the UK equivalent of Thanksgiving.  This theory is not terribly accurate, I must admit, but I'm sure you'll forgive me.

In other exciting news, Bath Rugby is playing the Cardiff Blues tonight, and I'm going out with a few friends to watch the game in a pub (much better than watching it outside in the rain!).  Go Bath Rugby!

In even more exciting news, I FINALLY FINISHED PUTTING ALL OF THE PICTURES FROM MY TRIP ON THE BLOG! YAY!!!  If you start back at the post "Ireland: Island of Saints and Sages," you can see the complete versions of all of the Dublin and Edinburgh entries.  Enjoy!

In news that is neither exciting or unexciting, I am making challah for Shabbat tonight (because I haven't felt very Jewish of late... I don't get to go to synagogue, I don't get to light candles... it's very sad), but I think something was wrong with my yeast, because it refuses to rise.  I have tried putting it in a warmed oven, I have tried begging, I have even tried singing to it.... nothing works (though I'm not sure why I thought singing would have any effect on it whatsoever).  I might have a bit of a Passover challah on my hands (get it?  'cuz it's bread?  and it's not rising?  tehehe.); as long as it doesn't taste like matzah though, I think it'll be ok.

In more news that is ambiguously exciting, I watched the old, animated "101 Dalmatians" movie last night with my house.  It brought back very happy memories from my childhood, but my eyes were completely opened regarding how BRITISH this movie is.  Seriously!  I had never noticed it before, but if you look at how everyone behaves (especially the maid!), how much tea they drink, and the function of the "military"(that is, the dogs' military organization), plus the fact that the bridges and buildings of London are totally recognizable, you come to realize that it is the epitome of stereotypical Britishness.  Brilliant.

And in very unexciting news, I have to write at least ten pages of my dissertation this weekend, if not more.  Ew.  And all that I've done so far today is read a lot of online comics, sing to my bread, and wash my socks.  Oy vey.

So uh... yeah.  That's about all that I have to say for myself.  Go look at the pictures from the trip!  And maybe light a fire (in your fireplace!) in honor of Guy Fawkes Day? 

Well, whatever you choose to do, have a lovely weekend, dear readers!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting name gleaned from reading too much in Wikipedia about the Gunpowder plot:
    There was a spy, William Turner [isn't he a pirate?], who sent a warning to the Earl of Salisbury that Fawkes would be coming to England. However, the warning didn't reach the Earl until late in November, too late for Guy Fawkes day.
