Saturday, August 28, 2010


I consider myself to be a rather good packer.  I'm usually able to fit an incredible amount of clothing into a small amount of space.  However, fitting four months worth of clothing into an airline-mandated 50 lb. bag and carry-on.....

 is really, really difficult.

 Somehow, I got everything to fit into my checked bag.  But then, of course, it weighed 58 lbs.  So with some creative shuffling, I got the bag down to the proper weight.  (Of course, now my carry-on weighs a ton...I'll need to find a nice man to hoist it into the top storage bin.)  And I had to ship myself a box (which, unbelievably, costs an incredible amount of money).  

Despite the hassle of packing, there is something kind of fun about it-- going through all of your clothes, picking out outfits, and folding things--and something immensely satisfying about being finished!  
The best part of the packing process was definitely when Longcat decided that she wanted to come with me to Bath:

Well, my bags are packed, I'm ready to go....  And in a little over 24 hours, I'll be leaving on a jet plane!  I still don't feel like this is actually happening....

So, cheerio, my friends-- I'll be writing to you next from across the pond!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dearest Reader,

Welcome to my (first-ever) blog!  If you are reading this, it is probably because:
a.) You want to be able to make sure that I'm still alive over the course of this semester.
b.) You want to live vicariously through me.
c.) You thought that the title of the blog was amusing (at least I hope it is...).
d.) I guilted you into doing so.
Whatever your reasons for reading, I'm glad that you are interested in following me along my journey through my first experience living and studying abroad.  I hope to regale you with tales of adventure, fascinating cultural observations, plentiful pictures, and updates on the goings-on of my more everyday experiences from the beautiful city of Bath, England and from my travels throughout the country (and beyond it).  That being said, I have a tendency to get quite wrapped up in these adventures (not to mention course work!), and may become a bit absent-minded regarding regularly updating this blog.  So feel free to pester me if I'm leaving you less-than-satisfied with my frequency of posting.
Looking forward to sharing this exciting new journey with you!