Saturday, August 28, 2010


I consider myself to be a rather good packer.  I'm usually able to fit an incredible amount of clothing into a small amount of space.  However, fitting four months worth of clothing into an airline-mandated 50 lb. bag and carry-on.....

 is really, really difficult.

 Somehow, I got everything to fit into my checked bag.  But then, of course, it weighed 58 lbs.  So with some creative shuffling, I got the bag down to the proper weight.  (Of course, now my carry-on weighs a ton...I'll need to find a nice man to hoist it into the top storage bin.)  And I had to ship myself a box (which, unbelievably, costs an incredible amount of money).  

Despite the hassle of packing, there is something kind of fun about it-- going through all of your clothes, picking out outfits, and folding things--and something immensely satisfying about being finished!  
The best part of the packing process was definitely when Longcat decided that she wanted to come with me to Bath:

Well, my bags are packed, I'm ready to go....  And in a little over 24 hours, I'll be leaving on a jet plane!  I still don't feel like this is actually happening....

So, cheerio, my friends-- I'll be writing to you next from across the pond!

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