Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bizarre Bath is Bizarre.

(This title follows the grammatical format of "Longcat is long," originally an internet meme, then something that I say about our cat, Longcat, and then (or I guess this is the real original), I was informed by Madeliene, an actual grammatical structure in Japanese!  Fascinating.  Boy am I tired.)

Hello, fair readers!

I am breaking my radio silence very briefly (and it has to be very briefly, because I have a paper to write that's due tomorrow, and I haven't started, and it's close to midnight.  But that's not important) to inform you of what's been happening in my life so that you don't start to worry that I'm not having fun.

Well.  Let's see.  I've spent most of my time doing work (writing my Jane Austen paper, pretending to write this paper while actually watching movies and things, reading so that I can feel productive whilst still not working on my paper, &c.).  But that doesn't sound like a lot of fun, so I haven't fulfilled my purpose yet.

Ah yes-- Sunday dinner!  This week we made chili with cheddar biscuits.  The chili was mad hot (even though we tried to make it mild), but it was very tasty.  I also discovered the joys of mixing Greek yogurt and jam and muesli, and have since eaten it every day for breakfast.  I highly recommend it.

And tonight, I went on a fantastically funny tour called "Bizarre Bath"-- a comedy tour with "no history at all--none whatsoever" (though we did see a few sights that I didn't know about before).  I don't want to spoil the tour for anyone (*cough*momwhenshecomestobathnextweek*cough*), so I'm not going to give you all the details and such.  But the tour leader was hysterical-- basically made fun of every nationality on the tour, showed us lots of amusing quirks about Bath architecture, and did magic tricks.  'Twas wonderful. 

Then I came home and planned my trip to Dublin and my trip to Cornwall on skype with my uncle and mum... woohoo!

And now I should be writing my paper.  But what am I doing instead?  Posting on the blog.  I need to get my priorities in order.

Right.  So.  Off to work.  Goodnight, friends!

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