Friday, October 1, 2010

"I am not dead yet-- I can dance and I can sing..."

(Monty Python and the Holy Grail/ Spamalot reference, just in case you weren't sure)

Hi everyone!

The purpose of this post is mostly to assure you that I have not dropped off the face of the earth.  I don't think I've gone this long without posting before, and if one of the reasons that you're reading this blog is to make sure that I'm still alive and well, I would imagine that this could possibly be cause for concern.  So I will just inform you that I am super duper hard at work, and that I haven't had too much to report over the last week, which is my excuse for not writing.

Recap of this week:

1.  Did lots of frantic work in the beginning of the week in order to catch up from doing the bare minimum whilst at Oxford.
2.  Went gardening on Tuesday-- shoveled compost, planted beans, got dirty, drank tea with the cute elderly gardeners.  (My arms are still sore.  Compost is heavy stuff.)
3.  Went to Jane Austen Dancers on Wednesday.  It was a bit easier than last time, I embarrassed myself much less frequently, and I actually had a male partner for the first time!
4.  Ate macaroni and cheese for lunch and dinner four days in a row (and so did Ali and Clay).  That recipe makes a TON o' mac-and-cheese.
5.  Watched "Beauty and the Beast" whilst reading Mansfield Park.... twice.  I really dislike that book (mostly because the heroine is the most annoying character in history), and I wanted something to cheer me up while I was reading... but then I often abandoned the book and just watched the movie.  I did discover, however, that "Beauty and the Beast" has a startling number of similarities to Pride and Prejudice-- I almost considered writing a paper about it.
6.  Instead, however, I am working on a paper for my Jane Austen class about the presence of laughter in her novels (primarily P&P, but also Emma and Sense and Sensibility, and the lack thereof in Mansfield Park).  It's actually pretty interesting-- but I have too much to say and too little space to say it in.
7. I watched the movie version of Mansfield Park yesterday-- it was, if possible, twice as bad as the book.  This was disappointing.
8.  I have another three papers to write as well-- all four are due in the next two weeks.  Which is why I will probably be making myself very scarce as far as blog-writing goes.

It's raining quite a bit today, so I think I shall curl up in a sweatshirt and keep researching for my Jane Austen paper whilst drinking tea.  And hopefully do a little bit of travel planning.  *sigh*  I really don't know how I'm going to get everything done these next two weeks...

I hope, my friends, that you are all doing splendidly.  If you don't know what to do with all of the time that you might have spent reading my insanely long blog posts if I had been posting with my usual regularity, perhaps you would be willing to do me a favor and tell me where I should go on a weekend trip....

'Til next time, fare thee well!

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