Friday, September 24, 2010

The Duke and Duchess of Marlborough Cordially Invite You... take a tour around their modest country estate, Blenheim Palace.

Oh hi.

 So we left Oxford this morning after breakfast (I went back to the market-- ironically, to Brown's!), and drove about 45 minutes to Blenheim.  It was cold and windy and drizzly, and I was not properly prepared for the weather, but the palace was still very splendid.  We had a one hour tour of the inside (where I couldn't take pictures), and I learned all sorts of lovely things.  For instance, the land was given to the first Duke of Marlborough by Queen Anne after he won several important battles in the War of Spanish Succession, then the palace was built over the next 28 years, in the midst of many battles between the Duchess and the architect in charge.  It has the most splendid ceilings that I have ever seen, and many beautiful portraits of the Spencer and Churchill families (the two who have held this title).  Oh, and yes-- that includes the ancestors of Sir Winston Churchill-- he was actually born in Blenheim Palace.  Also, the palace has one of the largest private libraries in the country (maybe also Europe), which has an enormous organ in it (just for fun). Finally, the current Duke of Marlborough (#11), still resides in the palace-- and we saw his helicopter land on the perfect grass!

We then spent three hours eating lunch and wandering around the palace grounds.  There were some lovely gardens (with nice copies of famous statues, like the Venus de Milo):

And we found the Secret Garden (though I don't know if it really counts as secret if there's a sign pointing to it):

And a lovely rose garden:

And a waterfall!

And that's about it.  It was enormous, and gorgeous... but kind of like all palaces.  So it was kind of nice to finally get moving once our time was up.  

We drove another two hours home to Bath, then had a grand time trying to get our suitcases up the hill to our house.  After unpacking, Clay and I ran to the grocery store to get something to eat for tonight (we made pasta with vegges and chicken), then settled in for a quiet night with a movie.  

It's nice to be back in Bath-- though I will miss Oxford quite a bit (but I'll go back to visit)! 


  1. I can be silent no more. This the best-written, best-illustrated blog that I have ever read! My opinion is totally unbiased since I am a statistician.

    Vanessa, I have solved the challenge that you put forth. The quote, somewhat altered to fit your leaving Oxford, came from the book, Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austin. The quote is set in Chapter V, when Marianne expresses her feelings upon their imminent departure from Norland.
    I have not read Sense and Sensibility, but somehow had the sense to use Google...
    Source: Google search [when shall I cease to regret you!--when learn to feel a home elsewhere!]

  2. Thanks Dad!
    Also, since Kathryn was disqualified/ disqualified herself from the contest, you win! Though I'm not sure if using Google is cheating...
    Doesn't matter. You said nice things about my blog, so you win. :)

  3. Thank you dearest daughter! You are becoming more British with each post. Such a proper decision :)
