Monday, September 6, 2010

The Rain in Bath Falls Mainly on the.... Path?

'Ello folks!

After all of the excitement of yesterday, today at first felt like a bit of a let-down.  Instead of ancient rocks and cathedrals, we got to start classes.  Woo. Hoo.

Actually, the day turned out to be rather fantastic.  First of all, I got up late (yay!) and read a bit of Pride and Prejudice (and really, any day that starts off that way is just bound to go well).  Then I went to visit Julien House, which is a homeless shelter in Bath, for a quick tour-- I think I'm going to cook dinners there a few nights a week, which I think will be a wonderful experience.

I was then supposed to go out with a friend for bagels for lunch (I was so excited-- real bagels, in Bath!  Who'da thought?), but that fell through.  However, I wound up going for coffee with two other girls, which turned out to be incredibly fun-- we're hoping to make it a regular date (we are all in the same Monday class).

I went into Nelson House and discovered that my giant package of clothes that I had shipped myself had finally arrived, which was very exciting.  Less exciting is the fact that I now have to figure out how to get that 20 lb, awkwardly large package twenty-five minutes up the hill to my house.  Hm.

Then I had my first class-- Jane Austen.  It's a class of twelve girls, all of whom seem to have a devastating crush on Colin Firth (myself included).  Our tutor seems very enthusiastic, and it seems to be rather promising.  Also, I'm very proud of myself-- I did the most talking out of anyone in the class-- an unprecedented occurrence.

I stopped at Marks and Spencer's on my way home (the Wegman's of Bath) to pick up a few groceries for dinner.  That store is fantastic-- slightly more expensive than Sainsbury's, but so very wonderful.  As I was leaving, there was a man with a produce stand right outside, who was just trying to get rid of everything that didn't sell that day, so I got a bowlful of apples and some garlic and lemons for two pounds.  I was quite excited.

Back home, I made myself a lovely pannini and zucchini.  As I was cleaning up, Clay came in and asked if I wanted to go to the store with him.  Stupidly, I agreed.  It had just started to rain-- and boy was it raining.  By the time we got to the store, my boots had soaked through, and I looked like a wet cat.  I did buy some ice cream, which kind of made up for it.

Back home again, I sat down to read, but since the whole house was gathered in the living room, we of course got too distracted.  So we watched "Beauty and the Beast" (I'd forgotten how much I LOVE that movie), while I whipped up an impromptu dessert by cooking some apple slices and raspberries (with butter, lemon juice, sugar, and cinnamon) and topping it with ice cream (and it was DELICIOUS), and I fixed a tear in Clay's jeans.  I was so ridiculously domestic-- it was a bit scary.

The evening ended with a brief study of British late night comedy game shows, which were outlandish and absolutely hysterical, in that weird British sort of way.  Further studies will undoubtedly be conducted in the future.

So that's all for today, folks-- see you next time, on "Britain: Bath and Beyond".  Cheers!

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