Friday, September 17, 2010

In Which I Embark Upon My Second Decade

Hello, dearest readers.  This is something of a bonus post for you, as I had said that I wouldn't be posting until after I arrived in Oxford; but I have time, and things to say, so this is a present to you all. 

Wait a second-- this isn't fair.  I'm giving you a present on my birthday. 

Anyway.  I began the day with a perplexing dilemma-- do I celebrate at midnight my time, or midnight EST?  As midnight at home would be 5 am for me, I decided that midnight here made considerably more sense.  So at midnight, Ali and Clay sang "happy birthday" to me, which was very sweet (and Clay had had a bit too much to drink, so it was rather funny as well).  Then I opened the presents and cards that I had saved up as they arrived, which made me very happy (thanks, everyone!).  Then I went to bed (just in case you wanted an exact play-by-play).

This morning, I got up early (don't know why), and packed for Oxford (leaving tomorrow morning!).  Then Clay and I met Ali, Sarah, Sasha, and Rachel for bagels at lunchtime.  They sang "happy birthday" to me in the middle of the Abbey Square, and they made me a card-- I was incredibly happy. And then I had a bagel, which only enhanced my delight (I had a very English take on a bagel-- cream cheese and cucumber.  'Twas tasty).

Sasha and I then decided to go to the Jane Austen Center.  On our way there, we passed by the guy who always stands out in front of the Center in Regency clothing-- he was, in fact, the guy from Jane Austen Dancers (whose name in Martin, by the way)!  And he recognized us too-- so we had a little chat in the middle of the sidewalk.  Sasha and I felt quite special.

Normally, Martin is here as well, but he was taking a break.

By the way, today is the first day of the Jane Austen Festival in Bath.  It runs all week.  The whole time that we are in Oxford.  And then it ends on the day that we get back.  We are incredibly upset about this.

Back to the Center.  The building itself is located near where I live, about a block down from the house where Austen had actually lived when she resided in Bath (fun fact: the house that she had lived in is now a dentist's office.  We looked).  It's a small place, but a nice one.  The exhibition is fairly small, there is a little gift shop (filled with things like "I *heart* Darcy" bumperstickers, AND A POSTCARD OF MARTIN, which we simply had to buy), and a tea room. 

The exhibition began with a quick video about the Festival (so Sasha and I got to see everything we'd be missing... boo), and then a short talk about Jane Austen's life and family.  Then we went through the three or so rooms of the exhibit, which featured placards on "fan language" (ie, the implicit meanings in how a lady holds her fan), explanations of what life was like in Bath when Austen lived here, beautiful pieces of clothing from the time period (set in lovely replica parlors), and a section on film adaptations of Austen's novels (you would not believe how many portraits of Colin Firth there were.  It was mind-boggling).  All in all, a nice museum-- worthwhile, though it didn't tell me too many things that I didn't already know (mind you, I am taking a class on Jane Austen). 

A tea parlor.
A milliner's shop.
A dashing young manequin, and a blurry Sasha.
We decided that we weren't quite ready to leave yet, so we went upstairs to the Regency Tea Room.  We had tea and scones and crumpets (the "Lady Catherine's Proper Cream Tea"), which were very tasty, and we felt quite posh. 

And now I'm home.  Posting a blog update.  Next step-- planning dinner.  The bagel group agreed to go out to an earlier dinner with me (because I have to prepare for Yom Kippur hibernation fasting).  Then I'm going back to Bristol synagogue for Kol Nidre, then Oxford in the morning!  Woohoo!

For those fasting-- I wish you an easy fast.  To everyone-- if I have wronged you somehow in the past year, I very much hope that you can forgive me (and please let me know how I can improve my behavior)!  May you all be inscribed for blessing in the Book of Life. 

And by the way-- 20 feels old.  Wow.

See you in Oxford!

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